ground mount panel advice in upstate NY for beginner

ground mount panel advice in upstate NY for beginner

looking for advice on where to start looking for a company to install (or if i can do it at a good enough cost savings and without an electrical engineering degree, install myself) ground-mounted panels for my home. I know close to nothing on the nitty-gritty details of panel efficiency, cost, et cetera. What i do know; cannot do roof mounted (not the right type of metal roof for panels, and have no desire to put a bunch of holes in my roof), currently the entire house runs on electric (except heat is wood pellets, but that obviously uses substantial electric to run as well) giving an electric bill floating around $300 monthly, a grid tie-in would likely be my easiest option, and financially i do not have the funds to outright buy a large system so financing looks most attractive but leasing is an option (i would prefer to own it, but can be swayed if the benefits of leasing are good) or if it is possible a self-install would be awesome if the cost savings on installation are enough.

so, what I'm really asking; do you know of recommended ground mount installation companies in the upstate NY area (bordering MA to be more specific)? what are things to look for/keep in mind when looking for systems? do you know of any good online resources for beginners to learn about the systems (I'm fairly competent mechanically and building-wise... i think)? and feel free to spew any other information you think i might need or could use.

thank you in advance for your help and knowlege

submitted by /u/jay_rod109
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