Complete new solar array for a house. Question regarding panels

Complete new solar array for a house. Question regarding panels

Hi, first the location, Italy, 42N. The house is in the mountains on approx 600m above sea. I’m thinking of buying some panels, I have 15-20 sq meters roof. Now the other thing is, if I use 15 sqm combi-panels or part it up in idk. 20% thermo and 80% photo panels. I know that photo panels need to be as cool as possible and thermo need to be hot, therefore combi seemed like a bad decision to me due to loss of efficiency. (I read that 50% loss are normal).

Since it’s in Italy, and we also have a gas heater, warm water for showering isn’t needed all the time, that’s why I would prefer power over warm water so much. I don’t have an idea on pricing yet, because most local shops only give you an price estimate if you go there and ask. I would want to do that in a local shop, because it’s in the countryside and people tend to be more eager to help if you buy everything first hand from them, also supporting local economy and all that. That in mind, does any of you guys have or have had a similar setup and how much did it cost altogether (incl installation) tax and all that will be different here but having a +-25% price tag would help. Also any other advice maybe?

Edit: the roof is south, so sun would be on high intensity the whole day. Especially in summer, the days are often very hot and long and almost no clouds

submitted by /u/thaneize
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