How to switch a solar water heater on?

How to switch a solar water heater on?

Hi guys, dumbest post on Reddit award incoming....

I just moved into an apartment that has a water heater on the terrace. In our flat we also have a small boiler. Nothing looks in bad shape, everything is pretty modern, but since I moved in the water temperature has been mildly hot at best.

I just found our fuse box and noticed that our switch labeled 'solar panel' was deactivated. I just flicked it on.

Are traditional boiler/solar panel combinations pretty common? Will flicking the fuse on resolve all the problems? I flicked it on at the end of the day, has the solar panel been collecting energy all day, even if the fuse was off? If everything is alright, how long before I should start to notice the solar panel kicking into effect?

Thanks so much

submitted by /u/Im_Justin_Cider
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