How to prevent low light voltage/current?

How to prevent low light voltage/current?

Here’s my setup:

A 15W solar panel connected to a DC-DC step-down to 5V converter that connects via USB to a Li-ion powerbank that is connected to a raspberry pi.

The power bank supports charging and discharging at the same time, so when I connect to a wall outlet or the solar panel in full sunlight, it will continuously power the raspberry pi - even when you plug and unplug the power from the outlet or the panel.

The problem I have is the in-between times of low light, when the solar panel is only producing a tiny fraction of the full power current.

In the early morning and late afternoon, the low current will make the power bank flicker and ultimately shut down it and the raspberry pi.

So, I think I need something to buffer the solar panel and power bank so that current only flows to the power bank when it is a steady stream of full power from the panel.

Sounds like I need a MOSFET, but not quite...

Does anyone know what this device would be?

submitted by /u/aiwaza
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