Solar Salesman and Door Knockers: How well did you really do?

Solar Salesman and Door Knockers: How well did you really do?

Hi everyone,

Just trying to do as much due diligence as I can before I leave my "safe", well paying career and move into solar. I had a job interview yesterday and was offered three different positions, but the sales manager said he would rather me start as a door knocker for a month or two to really understand the business.

It starts with a base salary of $600/week and I have to generate at least 8 leads within a month. Once I hit 8, anything above that I get more money for each lead and there are more tiers when I hit a certain amount.

Is it as easy as it sounds? It almost sounds like a gimmick. How long did it take before you moved in to direct sales or higher up? The sales manager told me he was knocking on doors for about 2 months before he moved up into direct sales where he made $150k his first year, and he is now on his second year. Real? Fake? We talked for about 90 minutes and he seemed pretty sincere and genuine. He answered everything honestly, both, good and bad, so I want to believe him. It just sounds too good to be true.

Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/40ozT0Freedom
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