SCE Time of Use Base Line Credit

SCE Time of Use Base Line Credit

I recently got solar and switched to TOU D-A (Plan Details). Part of the rate plan is a baseline Credit of 8 cents per kilowatt up to your baseline amount. The first few months this worked fine for me but since the days have gotten longer and I was net negative last month, instead of a credit i was charged 8 cents a kilowatt for my -220 kilowatts. I was under the assumption that i would get no credit but instead i am being charged for over producing. I called SCE three times and finally a manger told me that this indeed this was correct and because i was generating power i would be charged for the credit. This sounds outrageous and incentives people to actually use more power. Has anyone else with SCE dealt with this and is it true that if you are net negative instead of a credit you will be charged up to your baseline amount?

submitted by /u/wattatime
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