New house being built

New house being built

I'm building a house in Lakeland, Florida, and want to put in solar panels and two Tesla power walls. The goals here are two fold. We were without power for about 10 days after Hurricane Irma, and I definitely don't want my wife to have to experience that again. Any money savings are a bonus really.

Ideally I'd like to be running off of the panels or battery at all times, dipping into the grid only on rare occasions, hence the two power walls. When looking online it seems like I will need a system that is between 6 and 7 kw. Does that sound correct?

The house is about 2000 sq ft of living space, and there are two adults living there. We do have 3 computers running 24x7, but they are fairly energy efficient systems.

So I have two questions.

One, what price would I be looking at for this?

Two, does anyone know of a reputable installer in the area?

submitted by /u/vagrantprodigy07
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