Faulty SolarEdge Inverter; SolarEdge shifting blame

Faulty SolarEdge Inverter; SolarEdge shifting blame

I had a solar system installed on my house in Austin, TX at the end of October. Due to red tape in the city, it took two months for them to come and inspect it. My system was turned on a few days after Christmas. The system has 44 panels and a SolarEdge SE11400A (11KW) inverter.

Ever since it was turned on, the inverter has had problems. Some days it behaves, some days it resets a few times, some days it resets 40+ times. Every time it resets it stays shut off for five minutes or so, then reboots, stays on for a few seconds or a few minutes, then shuts off again. Every time the error code is "2x24 DC Injection". The system has a CDMA connection for logging status, so presumably those events are being logged somewhere.

I should also note that when the inverter is producing power but is in its "its going to fail soon" mode, it produces a loud ticking sounds, but the tick is so rapid it sounds like grinding. Also, I can hear a similar noise from my computer speakers even with the volume down and nothing playing -- obviously the line noise is coupling through the power supply, a very good indication that the output of the inverter sucks.

The installer agrees the inverter has a problem, but SolarEdge refuses to either send a technician or send a replacement. They say: probably the home has a noisy load, like a pool pump, which is causing the problem. Or ask the city to diagnose why the incoming power is noisy.

Does anyone have a suggestion of what I can do to prove the inverter is at fault? I am shocked that the installer doesn't have a Fluke line quality meter, but I can't justify spending $800+ to get one for myself. Does anyone know if SolarEdge themselves is the entity which receives the CDMA event log?

Thanks for any suggestions.

submitted by /u/typeObloodsausage
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