Can someone help explain PG&E's true-up process?

Can someone help explain PG&E's true-up process?

The Tesla guy didn't seem to have all of the information about this, and I've read about people getting shocked with their first bill. So...

I am looking at a system that will generate 109% of my annual energy needs. But let's say something doesn't totally work out and I only cover 90%. That leaves me with, say, 300 kWh net energy taken from PG&E over the year. Amd, for convenience, let's say that exactly half of my energy is used during peak hours, and half of the generation occurs during peak hours.

Tesla said I would have to switch to a TOU plan witb PG&E. So they add up my usage and find that I owe them for 300 kWh. What rate is that billed at? Do they split the difference based on usage between peak and off-peak rates, or do it all peak, or some weird third rate, or do they actually apply separate net metering taking into account usage and generation to create a net peak and net off-peak usage?

submitted by /u/laserwash2000
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