Snow on Panel

Snow on Panel

Hello all -

Welcome to January. Here in Utah our solar panels have been covered by snow for 3 days. Based on the general weather, the snow isn't melting anytime soon. Our roof is pretty high, and can be sketchy to navigate in places, so I am looking for other possible options to speed up the defrosting process of snow on the panels.

One idea it to install roof heat tracing at the base of each set of panels. When on, the hope would be they would melt all of the snow at the base of each panel set, thus speeding up the process of the snow sliding off the roof first and then the panels as the snow at the base of the panels is melted and falls off.

I am curious it anyone has used a solution like this, or if anyone has other options that might serve the same need?

Thanks in advance for any help

submitted by /u/PerrinSLC
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